Something for everyone but the faint at heart. Critical care nursing vent-a-blog, on line dating after 40, animal adventures, cooking and gardening tips. Warning: May be offensive, crude and politically incorrect. Stories in the blog may be based on fact and may also be wildly exaggerated, at my will and imaginative discretion. The character names are changed to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent and to keep my ass from getting sued.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

pooh brown out

It was pooh night at work the other night. We had the Cdiff, gown and scrub code brown going on in one room, then lactulose for the high ammonia level in the alcoholic hepatitis patient in another room and you know what that means...pooh party. Then we had the chronic diarrhea going on in room 3, but at least she asked for the bedpan each time. Just for added amusement, in case we didn't have enough code browns going on, we had our obese, diabetic, renal failure patient that also shit all over herself several times per shift. This was a bit irritating because she suffered from that hospitalitis form of paralysis where she couldn't/wouldn't lift a finger to hit the call bell to ask for a bedpan before. She'd say, you weren't in here and I waited and waited but then I had to go. But she could hit the callbell after she went and wanted to be cleaned up, or when she wanted a snack. The way things were going, I figured our next admit would be a hyperkalemia patient that needed kayexalate. We were up to our asses and elbows in pooh all night. Nights like this make me wonder why I went back to school late in life and got my BSN. Just shoot me.

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