Something for everyone but the faint at heart. Critical care nursing vent-a-blog, on line dating after 40, animal adventures, cooking and gardening tips. Warning: May be offensive, crude and politically incorrect. Stories in the blog may be based on fact and may also be wildly exaggerated, at my will and imaginative discretion. The character names are changed to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent and to keep my ass from getting sued.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

charge nurse with ADD

Worked last couple of nights with one of least favorite nurses, and she was charge. She is a hyperactive, disorganized, loud mouthed nurse that kicks herself and the whole unit into a frenzy. She thrives on drama. If there is none, she will make it. She is a single parent of a teenage son who has a learning disorder. Guess what? Yep, ADD...just like momma. Note to self: never ever be exposed to her whole family. It would be chaos.
Let me give you an idea of what it is like to work with this human tornado. She will yell out of a room, Hey Sallysue, Get me an IV start kit and a couple of 20 gauges. You say, OK and stop what you are doing and go across the room to supply room...when she just about plows you down, getting it herself. This happens all the time. She yells out for somebody to help her and then runs them down doing it herself. I try to ignore her most of the time; as helping her is an exercise in futility. She had our poor PCT running in circles last night. Poor guy didn't know what hit him.
I was helping another nurse get some blood started last night and I need a dynamap. There was one outside Ms. Charge's room so I inquired, Are you done with the dynamap? She said, Yes you can have it. Then she said, No I'm going to need it. As I've crossed the floor to get another dynamap, She's saying, You can have it, I'll get another. With me saying, I've already got another one Ms. Charge, it's ok, you keep that one.

Jeez, everything was mad cap, dash here, dash there. Glad to be off for a few. Please please ole great and mighty schedule master, please spare me from Ms. Charge's frenzy..make anybody else charge.

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